Shares and quotes

Quotes 2024-07-26
24 PLN
  • Opening rate: 23.7 24 PLN
  • MIN 1D: 23 zł
  • MAX 1D: 24.5 zł
  • Reference price: 23.7
  • Number of transactions: 41
  • Volume: 3862

Shareholder structure

Structure of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Company.

ShareholderNumber of shares% of sharesNumber of votes% of votes S.A.6 867 50058,83%6 867 50058,83%
Allianz Polska S.A.841 5547,21%841 5547,21%
Santander TFI S.A.*621 9445,33%621 9445,33%
Generali Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne SA657 2085,63%657 2085,63%
*”Information on the number of shares at Santander TFI disposal was obtained according to data made publicly available by the shareholder at the end of the third quarter of 2023.”

Dividend Policy

Policy regarding dividend payment

The resolution on the distribution of profit and the payment of dividends is adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, with consideration of recommendations of the Management Board (recommendations of the Management Board are not binding for the General Meeting).

The Management Board does not intend to recommend to the General Meeting that dividends be paid from the net profit for the financial year 2020. For the financial year 2021 and beyond, depending on the Company’s financial situation, the Management Board intends to recommend to the General Meeting that dividends be paid in the amount of 30-50% of the Company’s adjusted net profit in the financial year, unless there are extraordinary external circumstances or significant capital needs of the Company. When making a decision, the Management Board should take into account a number of factors concerning the Company, including the prospects for further operations, future profits, the amount of unconsolidated reserve capital available for distribution to shareholders, cash requirements, the financial situation, planned capital expenditures and development plans as well as legal requirements applicable to the payment of dividends by the Company, particularly those concerning the Company’s ability to pay dividends. The payment of a dividend and the amount of the dividend payable ultimately depend on the shareholders’ decision taken at the ordinary General Meeting. The shareholders are not bound by any recommendation of the Management Board on this matter and may adopt a relevant resolution also without the Management Board’s recommendation on the payment of dividends.

All Shares, including the Offered Shares, have equal rights to dividends (and interim dividends) and entitle their holders to participate in the Company’s profits from the date of the acquisition of the Shares, provided that the General Meeting adopts a resolution on the distribution of profit (or in the case of interim dividend that the Management Board and the Supervisory Board pass resolutions, respectively) and sets the dividend day as the date after the date of the acquisition of the Shares.